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Vortexbox (Australia) has been the distributor of the Vortexbox appliance for Australia & New Zealand since 2009.
To find out more about the Vortexbox software & for software support, please visit www.vortexbox.org.

How do I reset the network settings on my VortexBox

It's possible to incorrectly set the network settings on your VortexBox. This can cause your VortexBox to not be accessible on your network.

To reset your VortexBox you will need to attach a monitor and keyboard to your VortexBox. Once you have done this power on your VortexBox.

You will get a login prompt where you can login with user root and password vortexbox

Then type

fix_network rebuild

This will set your VortexBox back to DHCP. You should now be able to get to it from your network.

With thanks to the wiki at www.vortexbox.org
© 2017 VortexBox (Australia
Last updated 20th August 2017